Monday, October 20, 2008

Chinese of the Day 2--不务正业

What do you think of someone like following:

A student who spent lots of their time-I mean lots- drawing graffiti just because they love it?
A teacher spent most of their income on collecting stamps also because they loves it?
A young person attended all kinds of singing talent competition, no decent job, being poor and doing whatever they can to be a pop star?

......and lots more crazy things like that....

You might think they have passion in their life, they have a goal to might also think that anybody will make it if they are persistent, maybe even though they did not make any achievement in the end, they at least enjoyed their life...

No no no...Chinese parents don't think so, instead, most of them think they are 不务正业(bu wu zheng ye), so what is 不务正业?
不-not, no, don't;
务-do, conduct, work;
正-real, normal, common;
业-job, assignment.
So Chinese parents think they are not doing their job, they are not doing what they are supposed to do!

When most Chinese parents are trying so hard to 'direct' their kids' life, what is the '正业' in parents' eyes?

Lawyer, of course not only a normal job but also a decent one; Teacher/professor, good one too; Doctor, great one; Worker for the government or state-own company... These are probably top 正业 listed in parents's mind, and translator, TV host and reporter so on. Basically steady jobs with regular and hopefully high income are 正业。

However, the world is changing and people are going after some kinda exciting and fabulous life instead of steady, predictable life that can not be any more boring, especially when you are still YOUNG. While the older generation are calling us 不务正业,We have another chic word to tell you about what we are doing and our state of mind-颓废( tui fei).

In the dictionary, it is translated: decadence or depravation. But you know what? That's not the way it is when it is a slang, well, it could mean decadence or depravation, but it has the inner meaning: I realized that but I don't really care at the moment. And more often, it can be translated in whole lot of different ways:
Doing something besides for job,study or hard working;
Just killing time, resting, not doing anything;
Sweep away responsibilities and stop making sense, do whatever they feel like to,
or it can be even translated as--chilling. Yeah, you don't have to take everything so seriously, do whatever you want, relax and have to good time.

Here is an example:

-你最近怎么样?最近忙什么呢?How have you been? What you busy with lately?
-我最近比较颓废。Well nothing much, not doing anything,Just chilling.

So when the 'Beat Generation' is officially translated '跨掉的一代', how about translate it as 颓废的一代?

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