Monday, October 6, 2008

Chinese of the Day 1

While almost all of you know about the meaning of 'toufu' in the Chinese slang 吃豆腐 (eat toufu),  another slang came across my mind:

刀子嘴,豆腐心。(daozi zui, doufu xin) meaning: sword mouth, toufu heart. It is used to describ someone who always say harsh words but really is soft and tender or even caring in his or her heart(I know, that would mostly be a 'her').

If you are married to some Chinese women or dating some Chinese girls or dealing with some Chinese girls in any way. Then this is a slang you might want to know--because Chinese women have a reputation of being 刀子嘴,豆腐心. Or sometimes what they really want is different from what they say.

Speaking of this,  there is also another idiom for women, for hard-to-predict women: 女人心,海底针(nv ren xin, hai di zhen) meaning women's hearts are like needles in the sea, hard to figure out what are they thinking. Just imagine how would you find the needles in the sea...well... since there are many women so there must be many 'needles' in the sea,  so be aware not to turn to other needles while you were looking for your own ones.

Poor guys, when you arrived in China, you would not only have to deal with the most complicated language in the world but probably also have to deal with  the most hard to deal with women in the world...Good luck.


Swim said...

lisa, im in bad mood cause i boomed on TOEFL. 没作模考,做了几个书面套题觉得蛮简单的,结果上机考的时候没熟悉怎么操作,时间浪费了好多,很多题没来的及看~5555,钱都打水漂了。而且考前还被人在公车上偷身份证,考试的时候解释了很久让我妈传真户口本才得进。好烦~


Swim said...

btw, thanx for the understanding for my passion for coco.^^ i still like her, but not for her music any more(like her old songs tho).