Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Chinese of the Day 3--狗屎运
Every morning on my way to work, I can never avoid seeing these puppy poops all over the neighborhood, they seem to be everywhere in Shanghai. As far as I think, Shanghai people love dogs than people anywhere in China. Dogs aren't bad, but dog shit...errrrrrrrrrrrr...I have to walk very carefully to make sure I don't step on any of those things at the begining of my day...
It is definitely not such a good begining to ACTUALLY step on dog shit. But what if you do? Is it really that bad?
狗屎(gou shi)= dog shit
Believe it or not, there IS a kinda 'dog shit luck' in Chinese:
狗屎运(gou shi yun)=dog shit luck; what the hell is dog shit luck? How do people associate dog shit with 'luck' here?
撞上狗屎运(zhuang shang gou shi yun)=bump into the dog shit luck;
What kinda luck is that?
Sometimes you can be so lucky that you can't even believe it, chances of being that lucky is just like stepping on a turd of dog poops--I know I know, I have to point it out that you are not doing this step-on-dog-shit experiment in Shanghai, but somewhere that's relatively difficult to step on it.
If you pick up a purse with 10,000 cash in it on the street, then you 撞上了狗屎运;
If you won a 30,000 lottery, you can say: 我真是撞上狗屎运了!
If you did the best job in class in a very important exam, but in fact you did not even really prepare for it, when your classmates come to you and congratulate you, you can say: 没什么,我就是撞上了狗屎运。Or even if you did work hard on it before the exam but you just trying to be modest, you can also say it is just a bump-into-dog-shit luck.
So dog shit, it is kinda annoying to ACTUALLY step on it, but it is not too bad to have a dog shit luck. Things always have the bright side.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Chinese of the Day 2--不务正业
What do you think of someone like following:
A student who spent lots of their time-I mean lots- drawing graffiti just because they love it?
A teacher spent most of their income on collecting stamps also because they loves it?
A young person attended all kinds of singing talent competition, no decent job, being poor and doing whatever they can to be a pop star?
......and lots more crazy things like that....
You might think they have passion in their life, they have a goal to pursue...you might also think that anybody will make it if they are persistent, maybe even though they did not make any achievement in the end, they at least enjoyed their life...
No no no...Chinese parents don't think so, instead, most of them think they are 不务正业(bu wu zheng ye), so what is 不务正业?
不-not, no, don't;
务-do, conduct, work;
正-real, normal, common;
业-job, assignment.
So Chinese parents think they are not doing their job, they are not doing what they are supposed to do!
When most Chinese parents are trying so hard to 'direct' their kids' life, what is the '正业' in parents' eyes?
Lawyer, of course not only a normal job but also a decent one; Teacher/professor, good one too; Doctor, great one; Worker for the government or state-own company... These are probably top 正业 listed in parents's mind, and translator, TV host and reporter so on. Basically steady jobs with regular and hopefully high income are 正业。
However, the world is changing and people are going after some kinda exciting and fabulous life instead of steady, predictable life that can not be any more boring, especially when you are still YOUNG. While the older generation are calling us 不务正业,We have another chic word to tell you about what we are doing and our state of mind-颓废( tui fei).
In the dictionary, it is translated: decadence or depravation. But you know what? That's not the way it is when it is a slang, well, it could mean decadence or depravation, but it has the inner meaning: I realized that but I don't really care at the moment. And more often, it can be translated in whole lot of different ways:
Doing something besides for job,study or hard working;
Just killing time, resting, not doing anything;
Sweep away responsibilities and stop making sense, do whatever they feel like to,
or it can be even translated as--chilling. Yeah, you don't have to take everything so seriously, do whatever you want, relax and have to good time.
Here is an example:
-你最近怎么样?最近忙什么呢?How have you been? What you busy with lately?
-我最近比较颓废。Well nothing much, not doing anything,Just chilling.
So when the 'Beat Generation' is officially translated '跨掉的一代', how about translate it as 颓废的一代?
A student who spent lots of their time-I mean lots- drawing graffiti just because they love it?
A teacher spent most of their income on collecting stamps also because they loves it?
A young person attended all kinds of singing talent competition, no decent job, being poor and doing whatever they can to be a pop star?
......and lots more crazy things like that....
You might think they have passion in their life, they have a goal to pursue...you might also think that anybody will make it if they are persistent, maybe even though they did not make any achievement in the end, they at least enjoyed their life...
No no no...Chinese parents don't think so, instead, most of them think they are 不务正业(bu wu zheng ye), so what is 不务正业?
不-not, no, don't;
务-do, conduct, work;
正-real, normal, common;
业-job, assignment.
So Chinese parents think they are not doing their job, they are not doing what they are supposed to do!
When most Chinese parents are trying so hard to 'direct' their kids' life, what is the '正业' in parents' eyes?
Lawyer, of course not only a normal job but also a decent one; Teacher/professor, good one too; Doctor, great one; Worker for the government or state-own company... These are probably top 正业 listed in parents's mind, and translator, TV host and reporter so on. Basically steady jobs with regular and hopefully high income are 正业。
However, the world is changing and people are going after some kinda exciting and fabulous life instead of steady, predictable life that can not be any more boring, especially when you are still YOUNG. While the older generation are calling us 不务正业,We have another chic word to tell you about what we are doing and our state of mind-颓废( tui fei).
In the dictionary, it is translated: decadence or depravation. But you know what? That's not the way it is when it is a slang, well, it could mean decadence or depravation, but it has the inner meaning: I realized that but I don't really care at the moment. And more often, it can be translated in whole lot of different ways:
Doing something besides for job,study or hard working;
Just killing time, resting, not doing anything;
Sweep away responsibilities and stop making sense, do whatever they feel like to,
or it can be even translated as--chilling. Yeah, you don't have to take everything so seriously, do whatever you want, relax and have to good time.
Here is an example:
-你最近怎么样?最近忙什么呢?How have you been? What you busy with lately?
-我最近比较颓废。Well nothing much, not doing anything,Just chilling.
So when the 'Beat Generation' is officially translated '跨掉的一代', how about translate it as 颓废的一代?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Chinese of the Day 1
While almost all of you know about the meaning of 'toufu' in the Chinese slang 吃豆腐 (eat toufu), another slang came across my mind:
If you are married to some Chinese women or dating some Chinese girls or dealing with some Chinese girls in any way. Then this is a slang you might want to know--because Chinese women have a reputation of being 刀子嘴,豆腐心. Or sometimes what they really want is different from what they say.
Speaking of this, there is also another idiom for women, for hard-to-predict women: 女人心,海底针(nv ren xin, hai di zhen) meaning women's hearts are like needles in the sea, hard to figure out what are they thinking. Just imagine how would you find the needles in the sea...well... since there are many women so there must be many 'needles' in the sea, so be aware not to turn to other needles while you were looking for your own ones.
Poor guys, when you arrived in China, you would not only have to deal with the most complicated language in the world but probably also have to deal with the most hard to deal with women in the world...Good luck.
有一天,绿豆跟女朋友分手了。他很难过,于是他不停地哭呀哭呀,哭呀哭 呀......结果......发芽了。~~~
细雨落到小河上 小河便起了一层鸡皮疙瘩
什么卡通人物最专情?回答: 美人鱼(因为她不会劈腿)
有一天,绿豆跟女朋友分手了。他很难过,于是他不停地哭呀哭呀,哭呀哭 呀......结果......发芽了。~~~
细雨落到小河上 小河便起了一层鸡皮疙瘩
什么卡通人物最专情?回答: 美人鱼(因为她不会劈腿)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Yes babe, we are in the zoooooooooo
The zoo, last time I went there was last centry...okay, I'm not that old, but last time I went to the zoo was really long long time ago. There are mostly two reasones that I no longer went to the zoo:
1) The absence of animals. Most zoos in China don't really have any animals, they will find all kinda excuses for the absence of animals. Polar bear and penguin are too hot to stay, panda is on the trip to Taiwai visiting his buddy fellas, tiger is away for hospital, monkeys are on the street performance to earn some dough...what is the point of going to the zoo when all you see are cages and sevral birds?
2) Don't like the smell.
3) Don't like to see animals being kept in cages as I grow older.
Yeah it is been really a long time since I last went to the zoo. I don't even remember what zoo is like until I got off the subway...
The first step out of the subway exit, what you will see is lots of street sellers trying to sell you candy floss, spicy noodles, stone-fried chestnuts and toys and handi-crafts....all those things are exactly the same as they were in my childhood memory.
In front of the hand-made bicycle stand, there is a girl kicking and screeming and doing whatever she can to get a little iron-string bike, god I could tell you I was like that when I was little, or even worse.
As we moved on, we saw more kids passed by since we were getting closer to the zoo. I think the other fun thing about going to the zoo is watching kids. They are so so cute, chubby face, dark, soft and shiny hair, big head and the little angel wings they wear, they were runing up and down happily. That is something I always always want to see, except when they get annoyed and start screeming and never want to stop.
So before you even realize it, here we are in the zoo. The entrance ticket is 30RMB, I certainly expect they really have some animals inside.
It is a really big zoo. To someone who are from a small town like me, that is huge. It is basiclly like a big forrest with all those animals, the difference is they keep animals in cages.
The first animal we saw were flamingo. It was the first time I saw flamigo in my life, they are really pink and were kept on the small island in the middle of the pond...I want to see them clearly so I went closer. They did not move a tiny bit, they seem to be resting then...more like a orstrich to me, only they are pink, and more skinny.
Moving on, as we got to the sweet home of 'National Treasure'--panda. Speak of them, I got some negative things to say about them: yes they are chubby and cute and blah blah blah, but see what they do all day: eating, pooping, and sleeping. Mother nature would definitely eliminate them in turns of its survival skills: it would be too fat to move when someone come to attak it, it has to spend all day eating to intake enough nutrition because it has a lousy digestion system ...only humen being try to keep them, or maybe Chinese want to keep them--just to appreciate their cute image. Anyway, hope I can have some possitive thoughts about them after watching Kongfu Panda, oh wait, maybe they were as swift as it is in Kongfu Panda before humen beings tried to feed them and kept them as pets.
The next 'pet' we saw...oh yeah that's tiger. They were so lazy...exactly the way they are in my impression. Tigers in the zoo are always lazy, and smelly. That's why people were trying every way to tease them and perk them up. But sometimes even I found people did way too much: they throw things at them, spilt water to them and everything...yes the King of the Forrest are in the cage and they can't bite your ass off at this point, but just leave them alone, how would you feel to be teased by thousands of idiots every day. But I saw an interesting scene: a little boy wearing his split panties( about 3-4 years old) quitely watching the tiger while his dad or uncle or whoever that is was reaching his hand with a bottle out to the tiger trying to tease it, maybe the kid was just scared that his buddy might be bitten by the big cat or something, he started to shout: leave it alone! Followed a hard spank on his buddy. Yeah that was done by a kid wearing split panties. Way to go boy!
Then we kept moving and moving and saw wolves and foxes and bears and other animals that I don't even know how to say their names in English nor in Chinese...It was kinda complicated feeling watching them...they reminds me of my childhood so much, they reminds me of the excitement of seeing them when I was little, and jumping and laughing and all, but I do feel sorry for them for being kept in the cage and feed by humen beings...
Here comes the biggest excitement of all--big playground in the zoo--wonderland of kids! It was so sweet to be there! I know this is Nanjing not my hometown Liuzhou, but how come everything look so familiar to me?
The marry-go-round, the wood horse was so tall to me but now it is so small.
The pirate boat, I was too scaried to get in before, but now, it looks small too, a piece of cake.
The swing seat, hell this was the thing made me puke and dizzy for the rest of my visit when I was little, I still fear it, better stay away from it.
The ferris wheel, well, we did not have that thing back then...
and many other exciting games...they still look cool to me, just the ticket price is ten times expensive as ten years ago. And this time, no brother and cousins accompany, no ice creem bought by my uncle...I was a giant in the dwarfs world...haha.
It was already getting dark then, but since we have lots more to see, we kept moving.
Ahhhhhhhhhh the naughty monkeys, they were happy as hell living in their paradise created by human. And I also had an impressive story to tell you about monkey in my childhood:
When I was around 6, my bro was around 2 and my cousin was around 3 or 4--that was long time ago. We had a young nanny take care of us back then. It was a beautiful weekend and our nanny decided to take all of us to the zoo. So she hold my 2-year-old bro in her arms, I was dragging the left corner of ther shirt while my cousin was dagging the right corner--off we went to the zoo. It was a great time when the drama happened:
We came to the monkey cage, all of us were so excited to see those little monkeys. My little cousin desided he wants to get into the second fence and try to feed the monkeys. So my nanny hold him up and get over the first fence--there he was standing face to face with the monkeys, then he squatted down, moved a bit closer to the cage--the cage has very small finger-size holes--reaching his little hand with a piece of tangerine to the cage, oops, maybe should get a bit closer. Then my cousin moved his little chubby butt a bit closer so that he could feed the monkey, BANNGGGGGGGGGGG! The monkey which was waiting for the tangerine sticked its finger out for somehow and grab a batch of my cousin's hair and pulled them out and hide them under its butt and pretended nothing happended--what a monkey! But my cousin's head was too close to the cage and he did not realized it.
My cousin was scaried shitless and did not even know how to cry. And our nanny, she was scared shitless too, she jumped into the first fence and took my cousin out, took a close look at his injury--hell, that part was bold and spotting blood came out from the pores because of the tough pull. Lucky no scratching, otherwise my cousin will need some extra shot in the butt and even some IV just in case some animal disease.
The three kids was staring at our nanny did not know what to do, neither did our nanny...then she made the silliest decission ever--she took us on a really long circle hoping my cousin's hair will grow back a little bit before arrived home so that parents will not find it out. She knew our parents will be so piss off when seeing this. But we did not know about that, all we knew was we were going home and the trips seems a bit long, but it doesn't matter cuz we played all the way back.
Of course my cousin's hair did not make any progress when we got back so our nanny had to tell the truth. The adults were not so angry though, no serious injury anyway so they just started laughing at my cousin for being naughty and silly... That's pretty much the story, we still make fun of my cousin with that story now.
Well guess we are still at the zoo in Nanjing, but I'm a bit tired now, wrote too much today. and that's pretty much the visit. If you haven't been there yet and you are still in Nanjing, you should definitely go! The smell of animal would not even be so bad if you take your date with ya!
1) The absence of animals. Most zoos in China don't really have any animals, they will find all kinda excuses for the absence of animals. Polar bear and penguin are too hot to stay, panda is on the trip to Taiwai visiting his buddy fellas, tiger is away for hospital, monkeys are on the street performance to earn some dough...what is the point of going to the zoo when all you see are cages and sevral birds?
2) Don't like the smell.
3) Don't like to see animals being kept in cages as I grow older.
Yeah it is been really a long time since I last went to the zoo. I don't even remember what zoo is like until I got off the subway...
The first step out of the subway exit, what you will see is lots of street sellers trying to sell you candy floss, spicy noodles, stone-fried chestnuts and toys and handi-crafts....all those things are exactly the same as they were in my childhood memory.
In front of the hand-made bicycle stand, there is a girl kicking and screeming and doing whatever she can to get a little iron-string bike, god I could tell you I was like that when I was little, or even worse.
As we moved on, we saw more kids passed by since we were getting closer to the zoo. I think the other fun thing about going to the zoo is watching kids. They are so so cute, chubby face, dark, soft and shiny hair, big head and the little angel wings they wear, they were runing up and down happily. That is something I always always want to see, except when they get annoyed and start screeming and never want to stop.
So before you even realize it, here we are in the zoo. The entrance ticket is 30RMB, I certainly expect they really have some animals inside.
It is a really big zoo. To someone who are from a small town like me, that is huge. It is basiclly like a big forrest with all those animals, the difference is they keep animals in cages.
The first animal we saw were flamingo. It was the first time I saw flamigo in my life, they are really pink and were kept on the small island in the middle of the pond...I want to see them clearly so I went closer. They did not move a tiny bit, they seem to be resting then...more like a orstrich to me, only they are pink, and more skinny.
Moving on, as we got to the sweet home of 'National Treasure'--panda. Speak of them, I got some negative things to say about them: yes they are chubby and cute and blah blah blah, but see what they do all day: eating, pooping, and sleeping. Mother nature would definitely eliminate them in turns of its survival skills: it would be too fat to move when someone come to attak it, it has to spend all day eating to intake enough nutrition because it has a lousy digestion system ...only humen being try to keep them, or maybe Chinese want to keep them--just to appreciate their cute image. Anyway, hope I can have some possitive thoughts about them after watching Kongfu Panda, oh wait, maybe they were as swift as it is in Kongfu Panda before humen beings tried to feed them and kept them as pets.
The next 'pet' we saw...oh yeah that's tiger. They were so lazy...exactly the way they are in my impression. Tigers in the zoo are always lazy, and smelly. That's why people were trying every way to tease them and perk them up. But sometimes even I found people did way too much: they throw things at them, spilt water to them and everything...yes the King of the Forrest are in the cage and they can't bite your ass off at this point, but just leave them alone, how would you feel to be teased by thousands of idiots every day. But I saw an interesting scene: a little boy wearing his split panties( about 3-4 years old) quitely watching the tiger while his dad or uncle or whoever that is was reaching his hand with a bottle out to the tiger trying to tease it, maybe the kid was just scared that his buddy might be bitten by the big cat or something, he started to shout: leave it alone! Followed a hard spank on his buddy. Yeah that was done by a kid wearing split panties. Way to go boy!
Then we kept moving and moving and saw wolves and foxes and bears and other animals that I don't even know how to say their names in English nor in Chinese...It was kinda complicated feeling watching them...they reminds me of my childhood so much, they reminds me of the excitement of seeing them when I was little, and jumping and laughing and all, but I do feel sorry for them for being kept in the cage and feed by humen beings...
Here comes the biggest excitement of all--big playground in the zoo--wonderland of kids! It was so sweet to be there! I know this is Nanjing not my hometown Liuzhou, but how come everything look so familiar to me?
The marry-go-round, the wood horse was so tall to me but now it is so small.
The pirate boat, I was too scaried to get in before, but now, it looks small too, a piece of cake.
The swing seat, hell this was the thing made me puke and dizzy for the rest of my visit when I was little, I still fear it, better stay away from it.
The ferris wheel, well, we did not have that thing back then...
and many other exciting games...they still look cool to me, just the ticket price is ten times expensive as ten years ago. And this time, no brother and cousins accompany, no ice creem bought by my uncle...I was a giant in the dwarfs world...haha.
It was already getting dark then, but since we have lots more to see, we kept moving.
Ahhhhhhhhhh the naughty monkeys, they were happy as hell living in their paradise created by human. And I also had an impressive story to tell you about monkey in my childhood:
When I was around 6, my bro was around 2 and my cousin was around 3 or 4--that was long time ago. We had a young nanny take care of us back then. It was a beautiful weekend and our nanny decided to take all of us to the zoo. So she hold my 2-year-old bro in her arms, I was dragging the left corner of ther shirt while my cousin was dagging the right corner--off we went to the zoo. It was a great time when the drama happened:
We came to the monkey cage, all of us were so excited to see those little monkeys. My little cousin desided he wants to get into the second fence and try to feed the monkeys. So my nanny hold him up and get over the first fence--there he was standing face to face with the monkeys, then he squatted down, moved a bit closer to the cage--the cage has very small finger-size holes--reaching his little hand with a piece of tangerine to the cage, oops, maybe should get a bit closer. Then my cousin moved his little chubby butt a bit closer so that he could feed the monkey, BANNGGGGGGGGGGG! The monkey which was waiting for the tangerine sticked its finger out for somehow and grab a batch of my cousin's hair and pulled them out and hide them under its butt and pretended nothing happended--what a monkey! But my cousin's head was too close to the cage and he did not realized it.
My cousin was scaried shitless and did not even know how to cry. And our nanny, she was scared shitless too, she jumped into the first fence and took my cousin out, took a close look at his injury--hell, that part was bold and spotting blood came out from the pores because of the tough pull. Lucky no scratching, otherwise my cousin will need some extra shot in the butt and even some IV just in case some animal disease.
The three kids was staring at our nanny did not know what to do, neither did our nanny...then she made the silliest decission ever--she took us on a really long circle hoping my cousin's hair will grow back a little bit before arrived home so that parents will not find it out. She knew our parents will be so piss off when seeing this. But we did not know about that, all we knew was we were going home and the trips seems a bit long, but it doesn't matter cuz we played all the way back.
Of course my cousin's hair did not make any progress when we got back so our nanny had to tell the truth. The adults were not so angry though, no serious injury anyway so they just started laughing at my cousin for being naughty and silly... That's pretty much the story, we still make fun of my cousin with that story now.
Well guess we are still at the zoo in Nanjing, but I'm a bit tired now, wrote too much today. and that's pretty much the visit. If you haven't been there yet and you are still in Nanjing, you should definitely go! The smell of animal would not even be so bad if you take your date with ya!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
进入大学后,每学期暑假的聚会总是能让我们3人疯的那么彻底.虽然次晚上12点都会有父母的追魂夺命call, 但是疯到深夜是我们不变的聚会守则.一学期一次,发现范范想问题总会比我和梦瘪这两个恁人想的深入和全面.每次都是在她的引导之下得到大彻大悟....
4年下来范范可算是我最最坚强的经济援助者,没钱了就无耻的跟范范借. 为什么她的总是有钱借给我呢?这就要引申到范范的另外一个优点了--无比精明的经济头脑.兼职+超强的理财能力,使得她从父母那拿的钱比我少的多,但是经济上却比我宽裕.难以想象她在念完西班牙的课程后会变成什么样...
还有, 那一次(或几次)"水仙姐姐"之夜让人难忘,难忘那晚的好时光,更难忘她在我脸上化的妆--也不怪她,毕竟没有化单眼皮的经验. 还有一次次亮记螺丝,一次次香港奶茶,一次次龟苓膏,一次次游戏城,一次次五星街上的闲逛...我们不会厌倦,因为柳州有我们的根,有我们共同的过去和回忆,即使我们现在每个人都在别处.
祝瘪一切都好! 遇到困难要坚强,要常常笑,要珍爱自己,要好好的...
进入大学后,每学期暑假的聚会总是能让我们3人疯的那么彻底.虽然次晚上12点都会有父母的追魂夺命call, 但是疯到深夜是我们不变的聚会守则.一学期一次,发现范范想问题总会比我和梦瘪这两个恁人想的深入和全面.每次都是在她的引导之下得到大彻大悟....
4年下来范范可算是我最最坚强的经济援助者,没钱了就无耻的跟范范借. 为什么她的总是有钱借给我呢?这就要引申到范范的另外一个优点了--无比精明的经济头脑.兼职+超强的理财能力,使得她从父母那拿的钱比我少的多,但是经济上却比我宽裕.难以想象她在念完西班牙的课程后会变成什么样...
还有, 那一次(或几次)"水仙姐姐"之夜让人难忘,难忘那晚的好时光,更难忘她在我脸上化的妆--也不怪她,毕竟没有化单眼皮的经验. 还有一次次亮记螺丝,一次次香港奶茶,一次次龟苓膏,一次次游戏城,一次次五星街上的闲逛...我们不会厌倦,因为柳州有我们的根,有我们共同的过去和回忆,即使我们现在每个人都在别处.
祝瘪一切都好! 遇到困难要坚强,要常常笑,要珍爱自己,要好好的...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
当你把生活中繁杂的大事小事琐碎事简化成简单的 live, love和laugh时, 发现原来事情可以那么简单。
Visa for Taiwan
Just heard that it can be extremely hard to get a visa to Taiwan, don't know if it is true or not, just want to cite what I heard:
" yeah it can be really hard to go to taiwan now, you can not go unless you know someone in taiwan and he/she can garantee you that you are not spying in taiwan, unless they are sure you are not a spy, otherwise you can't go....you know they wouldn't give the panda from Chinese mainland a visa cuz the panda don't know anyone in taiwan who can garantee it not spying there..."
This is fucking ridiculous, but yeah it happens...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
那个周末特地去合肥给要去美国的朋友送行,我们一行三人一大早做了动车到合肥,然后直蹦朋友家,享受完她特地为我们做的美食后我们决定前往当地的葡萄园吃葡萄。到那之后看到满眼的葡萄却没有什么大吃特吃的愿望,可能是因为葡萄太‘随手可得’了,所以不 那么在乎,又或者是葡萄真的不是那么甜。但是摘葡萄的过程远比我想象的无聊的多。但是其实不管葡萄好不好吃,我还是很尽兴的在‘乡下’待了一个下午。接着我们决定钓鱼,只有一根鱼竿,7、8个人轮着用。我是怎么都不会对自己钓到鱼抱有任何期望,没想到我变成了此行唯一一个钓到鱼的人--虽然鱼只有半个巴掌那么大(我的巴掌,也就是比较大的巴掌)。
从‘乡下’出来已是晚饭时间,大家决定吃火锅。等了30分钟左右终于等到了座位。酒足饭饱之后,竟然有人提议要去看strip dancing.由于本人真的从来没看过(但是有看过pole dancing),着实兴奋了一笔。但是跟男友对于他是否能拍照发生了分歧,经过一段时间的冷战男友很不服气的屈服了,态度上确实双方都不爽。
进入酒吧,得知strip dancing表演已经完毕,颇为失望。于是我们决定还是在酒吧里玩。其他人貌似很尽兴,而我和男友确互相生闷气。我在拼命的往嘴巴里倒vodka tonix,开始觉得酒精量太低,便手持vodka往自己杯子里倒,不知不觉,可能到4、5杯的时候我已经醉的不行了。这时候男友向我屈服。。。我倒在他肩膀大哭,为他,为我,为我们,还为很多压抑了太久的事情,酒吧声音很大,哭的再大声别人都不会看你。我哭的更加厉害了。。。
不知道过了多久,我的意识开始模糊,不断听到身边的朋友说‘lisa!lisa! wake up!’‘I think she needs to get out of here!’。。。我只觉得自己虽然还有意识,但是身体完全不听自己使唤,没有办法回应,只是觉得无法呼吸,吐了男友和朋友的一身。
终于被抬出了憋闷的酒吧。出来后听到朋友说‘lisa you are doing great, wake up!’‘lisa did you take drag?’....‘ call the ambulance...’之后我就不记得了,只记得在车上有医生在我胸口上电击,有氧气管插进我鼻孔里,耳边一直有声音在说‘lisa you are doing great, you are going to be fine.’。。。
又不知过了多久,我睁开了眼睛,看到男友抓着我的手在我身边坐着,看看医院墙上的钟已经是凌晨2点45. 好了很多。唯一的想法就是想离开医院。掉水马上完毕。我遍起床欲离开,可是只是感觉全身无力,头飘忽忽的。。。第二天以为自己会好一点,可是发现连水都喝不进,喝一口都要吐两口。。。没办法,一路折腾会南京,呼呼大睡。感觉好了很多,吃了一碗刀削面,喝了好多水。。。赶晚上8点的车回上海。11点左右到家,累得几乎要趴下了,倒头大睡,第二天继续上班。
那个周末特地去合肥给要去美国的朋友送行,我们一行三人一大早做了动车到合肥,然后直蹦朋友家,享受完她特地为我们做的美食后我们决定前往当地的葡萄园吃葡萄。到那之后看到满眼的葡萄却没有什么大吃特吃的愿望,可能是因为葡萄太‘随手可得’了,所以不 那么在乎,又或者是葡萄真的不是那么甜。但是摘葡萄的过程远比我想象的无聊的多。但是其实不管葡萄好不好吃,我还是很尽兴的在‘乡下’待了一个下午。接着我们决定钓鱼,只有一根鱼竿,7、8个人轮着用。我是怎么都不会对自己钓到鱼抱有任何期望,没想到我变成了此行唯一一个钓到鱼的人--虽然鱼只有半个巴掌那么大(我的巴掌,也就是比较大的巴掌)。
从‘乡下’出来已是晚饭时间,大家决定吃火锅。等了30分钟左右终于等到了座位。酒足饭饱之后,竟然有人提议要去看strip dancing.由于本人真的从来没看过(但是有看过pole dancing),着实兴奋了一笔。但是跟男友对于他是否能拍照发生了分歧,经过一段时间的冷战男友很不服气的屈服了,态度上确实双方都不爽。
进入酒吧,得知strip dancing表演已经完毕,颇为失望。于是我们决定还是在酒吧里玩。其他人貌似很尽兴,而我和男友确互相生闷气。我在拼命的往嘴巴里倒vodka tonix,开始觉得酒精量太低,便手持vodka往自己杯子里倒,不知不觉,可能到4、5杯的时候我已经醉的不行了。这时候男友向我屈服。。。我倒在他肩膀大哭,为他,为我,为我们,还为很多压抑了太久的事情,酒吧声音很大,哭的再大声别人都不会看你。我哭的更加厉害了。。。
不知道过了多久,我的意识开始模糊,不断听到身边的朋友说‘lisa!lisa! wake up!’‘I think she needs to get out of here!’。。。我只觉得自己虽然还有意识,但是身体完全不听自己使唤,没有办法回应,只是觉得无法呼吸,吐了男友和朋友的一身。
终于被抬出了憋闷的酒吧。出来后听到朋友说‘lisa you are doing great, wake up!’‘lisa did you take drag?’....‘ call the ambulance...’之后我就不记得了,只记得在车上有医生在我胸口上电击,有氧气管插进我鼻孔里,耳边一直有声音在说‘lisa you are doing great, you are going to be fine.’。。。
又不知过了多久,我睁开了眼睛,看到男友抓着我的手在我身边坐着,看看医院墙上的钟已经是凌晨2点45. 好了很多。唯一的想法就是想离开医院。掉水马上完毕。我遍起床欲离开,可是只是感觉全身无力,头飘忽忽的。。。第二天以为自己会好一点,可是发现连水都喝不进,喝一口都要吐两口。。。没办法,一路折腾会南京,呼呼大睡。感觉好了很多,吃了一碗刀削面,喝了好多水。。。赶晚上8点的车回上海。11点左右到家,累得几乎要趴下了,倒头大睡,第二天继续上班。
Friday, September 5, 2008
今天一下火车, 竟然发现有一种类似回家的感觉。踏上这片土地,那么多的回忆立刻浮现在眼前:每次都要挤一个月以上的公交才能到市里疯狂购物,每次都是提着大报小包累的死去活来的返回“村里”,下一次进城不知道回是什么时候,特别是老大,最会喊累的就是她了;还有第一次做地铁,还是芬芬带的,呵呵;第一次跟男友在玄武湖散步;还有他在那对我求婚--虽然这事到现在我还是觉得后悔的成分很大。。。这一切还仅仅是出了火车站后的部分回忆。
今天一下火车, 竟然发现有一种类似回家的感觉。踏上这片土地,那么多的回忆立刻浮现在眼前:每次都要挤一个月以上的公交才能到市里疯狂购物,每次都是提着大报小包累的死去活来的返回“村里”,下一次进城不知道回是什么时候,特别是老大,最会喊累的就是她了;还有第一次做地铁,还是芬芬带的,呵呵;第一次跟男友在玄武湖散步;还有他在那对我求婚--虽然这事到现在我还是觉得后悔的成分很大。。。这一切还仅仅是出了火车站后的部分回忆。
Thursday, September 4, 2008
我以为我可以慢慢把你忘却...但是, 我真的做不到!
昨天和哥以及表哥在上海相会,大家聚在一起吃川菜,原来以为自己走进的是知名川菜馆'沸腾鱼乡',却发现原来我们进的那家店叫做'x腾渔乡'....晕死. 但是不管怎么样,这些都是后话,他乡遇故人总是分外高兴.
昨天和哥以及表哥在上海相会,大家聚在一起吃川菜,原来以为自己走进的是知名川菜馆'沸腾鱼乡',却发现原来我们进的那家店叫做'x腾渔乡'....晕死. 但是不管怎么样,这些都是后话,他乡遇故人总是分外高兴.

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Help, I need somebody;
Help, not just anybody;
Help, you know I need someone, help!
When I was younger, so much younger than today,I never needed anybody's help in any way. But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured, Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won't you please, please help me?
And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,My independence seems to vanish in the haze.
But every now and then I feel so insecure,I know that I just need you like I've never done before.
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won't you please, please help me!
Help, not just anybody;
Help, you know I need someone, help!
When I was younger, so much younger than today,I never needed anybody's help in any way. But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured, Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won't you please, please help me?
And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,My independence seems to vanish in the haze.
But every now and then I feel so insecure,I know that I just need you like I've never done before.
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won't you please, please help me!
很久没有看电影,因为电脑光驱已经被折磨的快歇菜了。怀念过去在寝室享受自己淘回来的电影的时光,好电影能看上3-5遍。可能电脑光驱就是这么被我折腾倒下的。最搞笑的是Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf硬是被我看了8遍以上,不是因为我痴迷它,只是因为我看不懂,看了8遍以后,也硬是没看懂。。。
很久没有看电影,因为电脑光驱已经被折磨的快歇菜了。怀念过去在寝室享受自己淘回来的电影的时光,好电影能看上3-5遍。可能电脑光驱就是这么被我折腾倒下的。最搞笑的是Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf硬是被我看了8遍以上,不是因为我痴迷它,只是因为我看不懂,看了8遍以后,也硬是没看懂。。。
Thursday, August 14, 2008
LifeJourney Summer Tour
LifeJourney---Four "journeymen" from Guangxi Province and a drummer from Beijing, will bring a Beatles-esque explosion of mesmerizing hooks, smooth vocals, camaraderie, and artful experimentation to Shanghai on 30th Aug 2008. LifeJourney first released their first CD, Life Journey 来福胶泥, on indie rock label Modern Sky Records.

LifeJourney Tour Schedule:
2008 8/30-9/17
上海 8.30 周六 育音堂
宁波 8.31 周日 1982
厦门 9.3 周三 本色
武汉 9.5 周五 VOX
长沙 9.6 周六 Freedom House
广州 9.7 周日 喜窝
南宁 9.9 周二 泊客
昆明 9.10 周三 说吧
成都 9.12 周五 小酒馆
西安 9.14 周日 Tiger
北京 9.17 周三 MAO
Time: 8: 30 PM-10:00 PM Sat Aug 30th,
Location: Yuyintang
1731 West Yan'an Rd, near KaiXuan Rd.
Ticket Price: RMB 40

LifeJourney Tour Schedule:
2008 8/30-9/17
上海 8.30 周六 育音堂
宁波 8.31 周日 1982
厦门 9.3 周三 本色
武汉 9.5 周五 VOX
长沙 9.6 周六 Freedom House
广州 9.7 周日 喜窝
南宁 9.9 周二 泊客
昆明 9.10 周三 说吧
成都 9.12 周五 小酒馆
西安 9.14 周日 Tiger
北京 9.17 周三 MAO
Time: 8: 30 PM-10:00 PM Sat Aug 30th,
Location: Yuyintang
1731 West Yan'an Rd, near KaiXuan Rd.
Ticket Price: RMB 40
年轻总是有很多事情很冲动, 冲动了就会犯错误.
但是我真的不知道自己这次做的是对还是错了,只是心很急很急,还有点怕怕的,害怕失去一些最最宝贵的东西, 害怕伤害别人也害怕被人伤害. 好难受,我的胃开始灼烧起来...
但是我真的不知道自己这次做的是对还是错了,只是心很急很急,还有点怕怕的,害怕失去一些最最宝贵的东西, 害怕伤害别人也害怕被人伤害. 好难受,我的胃开始灼烧起来...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Welcome to Lisa Strawberry's
Thank you for coming to my blog.
Will definitely put more things here later.
Will definitely put more things here later.
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